Police: Michigan Mom Found Long-Lost Son Online, Raped Him

Enough already! I have personally had it! Women can be and are savages! This story as far as I am concerned takes the cake. I have never heard of a man looking for a kid he put up for adoption, finding that kid and then raping him or her. Never heard of it! Yet, here is a woman that did just that! I have heard of men looking for long lost kids and upon finding them they tried to be the fathers that they always wanted to be. They stepped up and became fathers. Women on the other hand look for long lost kids of theirs just to become: RAPISTS! Enough is enough. I have had it. Excerpt:

'Michigan police say a 35-year-old mother used the Internet to track down the son she gave up for adoption a decade ago, seducing and raping the teenage boy when she found him after an online search.

Aimee Louise Sword of Waterford Township, near Detroit, was arraigned this week on three charges of criminal sexual conduct for the alleged rape of her biological son, whom she put up for adoption more than 10 years ago, MyFOXDetroit reported.

Prosecutors say the boy is still a minor, but won't disclose whether he knew the woman was his mother — a situation that has horrified mental health experts who are calling the case "an abomination."'

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... Geraldo Rivera defend this case of statutory rape by saying that the boy wanted it so it's cool. I wrote that as sarcasm but frankly it wouldn't surprise me if he did just that, after all this is a man who objected to Carla Faye Tucker being executed because she was a woman.

Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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it would be front page 24/7 ad nauseam.

just read the news before coming here and didn't see it,
and probably won't.

i watch Fox News to try at least to get SOME of the news of the day.
and o'reilly sometimes, but when that freak geraldo rivera comes on
they lose me instantly. i listened to that mangina defend a woman
rapist by saying exactly that, the kid probably liked it.

wise up o'reilly.

i guess his daughters would enjoy a similar encounter as well?
if i had been that boy's father ...
somebody should have taught this fella how to be a man when he was growing up.
probably one of those slapping kind of guys when faced w/ a fight.

how stupid can a mangina get? sit up, fetch, roll over. attack. defend.
that's a good boy. here's some pu$$y for you.

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