CBS Evening News: "Does Wall Street Need More Women?"

This story was at best a male-bashing farce. In it, they made two claims:

1. Report Shows Hedge Funds Run by Women Outperformed Those Run by Men, Whose Risk-Taking May Have Fueled Financial Meltdown

2. The evidence: a recent report showed that while all hedge funds had an annual return of almost 6 percent, hedge funds run by women did better with a return of 9 percent.

Of course, they never mention the "recent report" - like who conducted the research for it, or what hedge-funds were examined.

I would like advice on how to combat this type of male-bashing.

I did a small amount of research of my own, I found a list of hedge-funds that were all up by 10 or more percent:

John Paulson of Paulson & company - up 20%.
Philip Falcone - up 42% through Harbinger Capitol Partners.
Peter Theil's - Clarium Capitol Management - up 50%.
Andrew Lahde's short credit fund - up 10%.
Matt Luckett - Balestra Capitol - up 13%.
Dan Arbess - Perella Weinberg Partners Xerion - up 25%.

I have also sent an E-mail and a written letter to CBS News asking them to reveal the source of their Miss Information.

Comments? Advice?


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I'm suspicious as to why they waited until now to publicize such a comparison. It's as if they 'waited' for things to indicate what they (supposedly) do now. (In answering that question, they would have to admit women have been managing hedge funds for a while now, otherwise they'd be implying there was lack of experience and luck was the main factor.)

Also, note how any other type of comparison would incite anger, for example if they compared those funds run by whites and blacks, or Asians and Hispanics, or something.


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Of course, they never mention the "recent report" - like who conducted the research for it, or what hedge-funds were examined

They also don't mention results from past years. (The last year has been very unusual.)

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