The truth about male victims of domestic abuse

Article here. Excerpt:

'It's time to leave the male bashers, or female abuse deniers out of the picture. Not all men are abusers, and not all women are innocent, or unlikely to commit abuse.

Jan Brown spent years researching domestic violence and interviewing men who fit the definition of abuse. She discovered that there were very few options for male victims.

So she set out to make it right. In October of 2002, she founded the Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men and Women (DAHMW), a non-profit organization created to help men who have been victims of domestic violence. The unique aspect is that this organization is not only for abused men, but abused women as well.'

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If you check the website link you will see that there is a way to get some excellent flyers and posters from Jan. I got one a couple years ago and put it up in my local library (I'm not sure it's still there as I have moved to a different state.)

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