UK: Poor pay, worse jobs and terrible bonuses too - sexism in the city lives on

Article here. Excerpt:

'Harriet Harman, minister for women and equality, said the report shone a spotlight on discrimination against women in the financial sector. "We cannot tackle discrimination if it is hidden, which is why I asked the commission to produce this report."

She added it was "unlikely men-only boards and management would ever deliver the change in working culture, such as family-friendly flexible working and childcare, that would allow women to flourish in the workplace".

Tough new measures in the forthcoming equality bill will include gender pay reporting and proposals to ban secrecy clauses that are "particularly prevalent in financial services", she said.

John Cridland, deputy director of the CBI said: "No sector is immune from tackling the gender pay gap, and this report highlights that in parts of the financial services sector there is some further distance to go. But, as in many other areas of business, women applying for the top jobs need more flexibility with hours and childcare responsibilities."

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This has gotten me thinking lately, how we are always hearing about "men have screwed up the world", "such-and-such is bad because of men", etc.

What has occurred to me recently is taht, since women have gradually been placed in high-responsibility jobs, and other areas where men have historically dominated, why has the situation not gotten better than it was 30 years ago?? If women were better than men at these tasks, then surely things should have improved by now, even if only a little.

It is much easier for feminists and honorary women to keep blaming men for all the bad. Think about it: the only alternative answer to my question above is for them to say, "well, things have gotten better"; but by answering that way, they would be diluting their claim that things are "so terrible!"


P.S. Hillary Clinton voted to go to Iraq. I rest my case.

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I think you are on to something, Ax. And being an advocate for stay at home parents (traditionally a mother's role). I would say that family relations have gone downhill since women are choosing to leave the home for the workplace. (i.e. divorce rates, affairs, children raised without values, children getting into drugs, etc.)

The article states, "family-friendly flexible working and childcare, that would allow women to flourish in the workplace" and goes on-and-on how woman have to juggle careers with kids and how corporations should accommodate this.

What about the kids? Are they going to flourish in some factory-run child care facility where strangers will have more influence and more time with them then the parents and conformity and routine are the biggest expectations.

Raising kids should not be the responsibility of businesses!

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"Raising kids should not be the responsibility of businesses!"

Nor the State.


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