FOX: The Trouble With Textbooks

Article here. Excerpt:

'Thirty years later, few textbooks bother with the disguise. Entire chunks of the English language have been banned from the classroom, liquidated in a P.C. purge. First to go were words containing the dreaded term "man," the three letters most offensive to professional feminists. Mailman, chairman, snowman, fisherman, manhole cover--every one now extinct, disdained relics of a bygone age.
So did it work? Did shielding children from scary words like "mailman" turn them into better students? Compare the test scores in your kids' school district to those from 1960, and judge for yourself. Or consider this: When asked about the Vietnam War recently, almost a quarter of students described it as a conflict between North and South Korea.'

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I think I mentioned this here before, but my doctor appeared to be offended recently when I pronounced 'angina' like 'vagina' with the long 'I'. Apparently it is now supposed to be pronounced ANN-jeh-nuh.


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The schools are so PC I do not understand how they can teach anything. I have never understood the hang up with words and definitions especially when the general understanding of the word is not offensive at all. And as far as glossing over and putting a PC spin on historical events, well that is like lying. Sometimes the truth is offensive!!

Yet they are definitely politically indoctrinating as my boys came home with an assignment to watch Obama's speech and answer questions like "what is Obama going to do for you?" ( I am paraphrasing as I do not have the paper right in front of me, but it is something like that).

I'm not quite sure what to do about the assignment as I do not want my distrust for public schools and public employees (i.e.teachers) to show through so early in the school year. I have a whole year to give them hell, I better pace myself.

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Tell them to write a paper on how VAWA hurts them and threatens their future and treats them as inhuman by offering them absolutely nothing while creating a special privileged class called girls and women.

Or, tell them to write a paper about how John Walsh is a raving lunatic and if some girl sends them a picture of hers self in a state of undress cause she has a crush on one of your boys and her mom finds out and calls the cops that your sons do not belong on the National sex offender registry while the girl who created and transmitted the images faces absolutely no legal consequence at all. If such a situation occurs you as their mother would be absolutely powerless to protect them. Yes AWA (Adam Walsh Act - allows CHILDREN to be added to the national sex offender registry).

Or tell them to write about how unfair it is to little boys in school these days to be forced to sit still and be quiet and read fairy tales that are of no interest to them at all or face being labeled trouble makers or problem children or as having a fictitious disorder like ADHD and medicated into submission.

Or tell them to write about the grade deficit that has been created between boys and girls due to the feminization of education and that your boys now face an ever shrinking chance of even getting into college because education has all but abandoned teaching to boys style of learning.

Tell them to write about any of the thousands of things Obama can do to improve the lives of little boys who will one day be the men who carry the Nation upon their shoulders.

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