Troubles had mounted for mother suspected of killing two daughters

Story here. Excerpt:

'On Wednesday morning, Edith and her big sister, Diana Moreno, 17, were found dead, their throats slashed. On Friday, their mother, Antonia Gomez, 38, was arrested on suspicion of killing her daughters.
Gomez lost her job at a sandwich shop about three months ago and was hospitalized for stress shortly after, relatives said.
Fuentes owned the property, and until days before the killings had rented out the home in the front.

But she was unable to make the mortgage, and with the home's value plummeting, the property went into foreclosure. Gomez, her mother and the three girls were going to have to find another place to live, relatives said.
"She didn't have the mental well-being to deal with too much pressure," Gomez Fuentes said. "I just can't visualize her doing this, killing her girls. If she did, she didn't have her five senses."'

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