'We can stop domestic violence'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men: 99 percent of gender violence and domestic abuse incidents are perpetrated by men. Therefore, this is a man's issue, not an issue where women put themselves into harm's way. Men need to change their attitude toward women so that violence and abuse is not ever seen as an alternative action.

Clearly, the vast majority of men are not perpetrators of violence but we are part of a culture that accepts violence as inevitable and that some men abuse women. In violence prevention the focus must be on men because it is men that teach other men and boys how to be men in ways that do not involve abusing and degrading women.'

Sounds like the author and the paper need some eduction on this matter. As always, be polite, stick to facts.
Author's email is MoothartTim-at-JohnDeere.com
Letters to the editor can be submitted at: http://www.thonline.com/letters.cfm

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This is the root of the problem. If a victim group pumps out a ridiculous statistic, people accept it as if it was written in stone. Damn, how many absurd stats have we fought over the years?

1. 77% for every dollar a man makes

2. 1 out of 4 women will face sexual assault on college campuses

3. 70% of fathers who seek sole custody are abusers

4. The biggest factor for birth defects and miscarriages are the result of domestic abuse

5. Domestic abuse cases are the number one reason why police officers are injured

6. And here's my favorite -- only 2% of rape accusations are false

7. 1 out of 3 women will be assaulted by their husbands.

The vast majority of men are scared shitless to challenge incorrect figures which ultimately demonizes us. These same numbers pump billions into the victim industry. This also creates discriminatory laws -- ie: VAWA.

Its political correctness. If you challenge the bullshit, the man must be misogynistic. Feminists greatest evil is controlling language. Our culture is regressing into a totalitarian waste land.

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Sometimes it seems as if the only qualification you need to write about this kind of thing is the IQ of an especially stupid pineapple.

Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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