'Women overlooked in health care debate'

Article here. Women work less hours and hold more part time jobs? Looks like the author explained the wage gap myth without even knowing it. Excerpt:

'Women (and men who care about women and our future generations) should be involved in the health care debate currently taking place in Washington, D.C., and there are many reasons why.

Women’s health care needs are generally greater than men’s, particularly in their reproductive years. However, in curious contrast, our current system makes it more difficult for women to obtain and afford the health care services they need.
About 40 percent of all women are employed full-time, whereas more than half, or about 60 percent of men, are employed full-time. Additionally, many of those women working full-time are employed by small companies that do not provide health insurance.
And women as a group work fewer hours than men. In a recent survey, more than 50 percent of all women reported delaying or avoiding health care services as opposed to 39 percent of men.'

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Excluding the question of recommending the mass-excision of perfectly healthy genital tissue on infant boys, the health care debate (aside from discussing such trivial details as costs and service quality implications) is dominated by matters of concern, near as I can tell, around women's health practically to the exclusion of any other sub-topic. The only time anyone talks about men's health is either when they want to cut off a part of our penises or discuss how bad it is for women when men are killed or drop dead before they do, the poor dears (ie, the women, I mean).

And so it goes.

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The day women will be "overlooked" in this debate will be the day their life expectancy drops below that of men.



"What is popular is not always right, what is right is not always popular."

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See how the feminists can turn any argument 180 degrees on its head, all because of lack of organized opposition.

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