GCSE results: Boys bag top grades in maths

Article here. Excerpt:

'Boys have leapfrogged over girls in maths GCSE results, bagging more of the top grades for the first time since 1997 after the government scrapped coursework last year.

The remarkable two percentage point increase in the proportion of top grades awarded to boys for maths sparked a debate about whether girls and boys should be assessed differently after experts claimed that girls thrived in coursework tests while their male classmates did better at cramming for exams.

A 20-year trend of girls increasingly outperforming boys could begin to reverse next year because coursework is due to be scrapped for nearly all subjects following the move with maths this year. The decision to reduce coursework was made amid concerns of increasing plagiarism, but it now appears it will have a significant impact on the gender gap in education and could disadvantage girls.'

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Boo friggin' hoo for the girls.


Down on your knees, And thank heaven, fasting,
For a good man's love.

Shakespeare, As You Like It III, 5

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@Belgorod, I hardly think sarcasm is an appropriate reaction to news like this. The more important thing here is that it confirms that boys and girls differ in their learning styles.

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Educators must harness the obvious biological differences as it relates to the learning styles of boys and girls.

I don't see it as 'boys vs girls'. Pitting one verse the other doesn't benefit children in any way.

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Actually I think the state should leave people alone. The idea of moulding children through education is an anathema to me. Let's face it education means school. And school means moulding people into the regimented battalions fitted for the narrow purposes of the state and the state is sick. I was lucky (well may be not) the schools could not train me and so their ideas never penetrated. Fortunately this did not bother them as I am so old that as a child I lived in an age when children did not matter too much. Now of course it is different. No child can be left alone, no child can be left to be themselves.

People are well aware of the visionary novel 1984. The towering genius of that work really comes at the end. Winston the central character is made not only made to submit to Big Brother but he must LOVE Big Brother. This is the way with feminism. We must not only obey we must also love that which oppresses us.

So I have gone a little way from GCSE exam results. But what I am condemning is the whole thing. Girls do better in school because they are better at submitting.

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Girls assimilate to rules and structure more so then boys. Boys tend to challenge authority. If a boy feels oppressed in a school setting, he'll pretty much say 'Fuck It' and move on to an environment where his natural abilities are more respected.

This is why I believe feminism is oppressive towards women. Essentially you have a group of megalomaniacs dictating how a woman should think and behave. If a woman doesn't agree with the ideology of groups like NOW, feminists will write them off as not knowing any better. They'll regurgitate propaganda suggesting women are manipulated by the "evil patriarchy". They'll prey on a woman's low self esteem like a parasite. They think they're empowering women, but in reality, they're thrusting them in the role of victim. Feminists fear this imaginary patriarchy the same way a cat fears water. Keep in mind feminists actually believe men hate them. They respond to this paranoia by developing hatred towards men. (ie: misandry)

I think the foundation of this hatred is based on sexuality. They feel victimized by male sexuality because its partially based on penetration. They're disgusted and confused by their sexual urges. This is why they live in a constant state of rape phobia.

MANN needs more women on this site. We can educate them and free them from the shackles of feminist tyranny. Much the same way Luke Skywalker freed Darth Vader from the emptiness of the dark side. (I've been waiting to use a Star Wars metaphor for a long time. :) Confident women have no need for feminism. Women who love and respect men will reject feminism like a person allergic to penicillin. (ie: Christina Hoff Sommers)

Kris deserves a pat on the back for supporting our movement. Without out female allys, our movement will ultimately fail. MRA's should see women as comrades -- Unlike feminists who see men as castrated man slaves. These same feminists guilt men into believing they're shit, XY's who must conform to feminist bigotry as some kind of perverse salvation.

In conclusion:

This fact doesn't include the lesbian feminists who simply have no need for men. Lesbians who think they're in competition with men over masculinity. They want it, but we have it. These same feminists feel castrated because they weren't born with a penis.

Don't hate feminists, just pity them.

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