Atlanta report: Circumcision no AIDS protection for gay men
Article here. Excerpt:
'ATLANTA - Circumcision, which has helped prevent AIDS among heterosexual men in Africa, doesn't help protect gay men from the virus, according to the largest U.S. study to look at the question.
Circumcision "is not considered beneficial" in stopping the spread of HIV through gay sex, said Dr. Peter Kilmarx, of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
However, the CDC is still considering recommending it for other groups, including baby boys and high-risk heterosexual men.
UNAIDS ... promote[s] circumcision ...as an important strategy for reducing the spread of the AIDS virus. There hasn't been the same kind of push for circumcision in the [US].
"...It's possible the government won't make recommendations but instead will promote an education campaign for parents about the procedure's potential benefits and risks, he added.
The prospect of the government promoting circumcision of infants has already drawn fire from an advocacy group called Intact America. The organization, based in Tarrytown, N.Y., parked a motorized billboard this week outside the hotel hosting the HIV conference, displaying the message: "Tell the CDC that circumcising babies doesn't prevent HIV."'
If you have not done so already, or even if you have, contact the CDC and tell them what you think. But don't limit yourself to just the CDC-- contact your Congressional rep(s) as well. They have no direct influence on public medical policy, but they are in positions of decision-making authority over such things as funding of programs. And as we all know, it's all about the money, isn't it? Contact information:
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