Ireland: 'It's time to dispense with the voodoo politics of the good condom and the guilty foreskin'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Voodoo is an African word, but not an African monopoly. Every society has its own voodoo -- a fear of some mysterious ailment which can only be cured by magical means.

The latest proposal by the World Health Organisation to control the AIDS epidemic in Africa by circumcising males is just another voodoo. However, the disproportionate number of women scientists urging this "solution" does suggest a bizarre twist -- some feminists, for obvious, if largely subconscious reasons, rather like the idea of male genital mutilation. Furthermore, the hygiene argument (usually used tendentiously) justifying male circumcision could equally apply to the female labia, and more especially, to the fingernails of both sexes.
It is one thing for an adult to choose to be circumcised, though little good will it do him if he chooses then to have unprotected promiscuous sex (as many newly-circumcised African males do). It is quite another thing for the World Health Organisation to encourage people to rob little boys of their foreskins for "public health" reasons.

To do that is to mutilate him forever, and all in the name of a very dangerous ancient/modern voodoo, that this year has killed 53 boys in Cape Province alone.'

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