Rambunctious boys have own day at kindergarten

Story here. Excerpt:

'Movement was something teachers were seeing a lot of in Ouachita Parish kindergarten classrooms on Wednesday as they experienced the first ever district-wide "boy day." Tuesday's "girl day" in most cases was a bit more reserved.

"Crisscross apple sauce," Stacy Frost reminded her male students as they fidgeted in a reading circle. "That means cross your legs."

The pent up energy in both classrooms was quickly evident when either teachers' attention was momentarily diverted.

"The girls read books and played with Play-Doh yesterday," Herbet said, while the boys played with blocks, built race cars and threatened to attack toy castles. "The boys ... we want them ready for nap time."'

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I am a little unsure about the tone of the article as it may be stereotyping boys a bit, but for the most part, I am all for separating boys and girls. I wish they would do it for the whole school year instead of just one day.

I hate schools trying to fit people into molds that they are naturally not going to fit. If boys are not ready to sit still for long periods, I would rather them do activities that flow with their natural abilities. If teachers put their minds to it they could come up with ways to teach that involve more movement.

Although the article did not say this, I fear that they are going to label boys behavior as a 'problem' and try to train boys to sit for longer periods and get better at coloring or activities that are more suited for girls instead on focusing on the interests and natural abilities boys have.

School starts next week for my young boys and they have never sat still in a classroom (they have been homeschooled up until now). I have been able to teach them plenty while respecting their natural personalities and energy levels.

I am scared to death for what they are in for at public school.

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