Canada: Woman claims alimony eligibility discrimination for being unmarried

Story here. Excerpt:

'Judgment came this week in the family law case of the year, in which a woman sued her former partner - a prominent billionaire - for $56,000 per month in alimony and $50 million. Her claim? Federal marriage law and Quebec family law discriminate against unmarried couples. A Quebec Superior Court judge has now ruled against her. The woman's lawyer says she will appeal.

The trial last January made headlines, especially in Quebec. The media here nicknamed the parties - a court order protects their identities - Lola and Eric. The case became a spectator sport. Many, including women, were vicious in treatment of the claimant. They called her a gold-digger. They said she should have known she had no rights if they didn't get married, and she should have known something was up when he refused to marry her.
It's no surprise the judge rejected the woman's discrimination claim. These days it doesn't feel like unmarried couples are a persecuted minority - especially not in Quebec, where more than one-third of couples are unmarried. Moreover, when reforming Quebec family law 30 years ago, legislators here decided that keeping distinctions between married and unmarried couples best respected adults' autonomy.'

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They said she should have known she had no rights if they didn't get married, and she should have known something was up when he refused to marry her.

Yeah, that the guy knew the minute he tied the knot she'd try to take $50 million from him? But don't let logic get in the way of what a woman thinks she's entitled to for spreading her legs.

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Actually it is a surprise to me that the judge rejected the case. In at least one part of Europe co-habitation is regarded as the same a marriage. I am surprised that in Canada this is not the case considering how much a female triumphalist state it is. In a sense all women with children get alimony since the state give them money it takes from men.

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Feminism is dead. Or at least its elbow is seriously and irreparably broken.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism. Article here.

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