Dirty little secrets of domestic violence programs

Article here. Excerpt:

'When Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger cut funds to California domestic violence shelters recently stories of battered women and children filled the news. Oakland television station KTVU ran a story about "women and children," never once mentioning male victims. Like stations around the state, and around the country, CBS5 did the same.

News reports featured three dozen noisy people lining a street in Watsonville protesting budget cuts to the Walnut Avenue Women’s Center and Women’s Crisis Support~Defensa de Mujeres. We listened to female victims.

We heard about women's advocates and community leaders gathering in San Jose to protest a cut in funding for Asian Americans for Community Involvement in San Jose, Community Solutions in South Santa Clara County, Support Network for Battered Women in Sunnyvale and San Jose's Next Door Solutions to Domestic Violence. And we listened to female victims.'

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