Woman Confesses to False Rape Charge

Story here. Excerpt:

'William McCaffrey has spent the last four years in prison, serving a 20-year sentence for a rape the victim now says never happened.

Biurny Peguero, now married and using the last name Gonzalez, accused McCaffrey of raping her in September 2005, and he was convicted by the State Supreme Court in Manhattan. But in March, Gonzalez confessed to her priest, and later to her attorney, that she had fabricated the rape story, according to reports from The New York Times and the New York Post.

Gonzalez initially accused McCaffrey of raping her while on the way to a late-night party. According to the Post, Gonzalez now says she lied about being raped because her friends were angry with her for stranding them without a ride when she went off to the party with McCaffrey.
Gonzalez now claims the bites and scratches on her body at the time of the alleged rape were caused by her friends, who physically assaulted her in their anger over being stranded.'

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