Huffington Post: 'What's Good For the Goose...'

Story here. Excerpt:

'These talks in my office really emphasize the double-standard that seems to exist in the minds of many women caught in the midst of a divorce. It is totally acceptable to have the man pay spousal support, but not the woman. It is totally acceptable to have the mother raise the kids, but not the father. All of this makes me wonder, what was the point of the battle for equal rights? In this day and age, these women are the daughters of some of the same women who I remember burning their brassieres in the 60s, the daughters of women who stopped being stay at home mothers so they could go out and work, the daughters of women who went back to school to get advanced degrees. In many cases, these women themselves are the embodiment of the example that their mothers set for them. Some of them are overachievers, who can and have accomplished major feats in the business world, but somehow still see it as appropriate to be treated differently in the arena of the family law court. In the context of a child support dispute, one of my female clients lamented that "so I went out and built this successful business and my reward is I have to pay child support to him?".'

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so I went out and built this successful business and my reward is I have to pay child support to him?

Equality sure is a bitch, isn't it? God forbid a man be entitled to half your income in a divorce should you be the better one off! I thought gender was just a social construct? You wouldn't have a predefined view that only women should get child support? I highly doubt it. It's more like "What's mine is mine, and what's yours is ours"

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