Observer editorial: Not enough feminism in Britain

Article here. Excerpt:

'It's hard to know why, exactly, Harriet Harman's stint in charge while Gordon Brown is on holiday has provoked so much leery humour among male commentators. Is it because she is, as the niece of Lord Longford and a distant cousin of David Cameron, unspeakably posh? Or because she is a feminist, which, let's face it, is just unspeakable?
It goes with the turf for politicians, both male and female, to be caricatured and lampooned: Harman is uncomplaining and unrepentant. Good for her: why should she pipe down?
There is precious little danger of too much feminism seeping into British business or society in general – the problem is the opposite: there is not nearly enough.

We have the luxury of laughing at women such as Harman, but at the same time even brilliant female professionals are finding it hard to break through the glass ceiling; women in general still earn substantially less than men and tens of thousands every year suffer discrimination at work because of their role as mothers.

Women's rights to live without the fear of violence, to be treated equally at work and to have fair opportunities are human rights. Standing up those rights isn't an anti-male campaign: we all live together and what benefits women is usually good for men, too.'

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Saying there is too little feminism is like saying there is too little poison in the system. I wanted to post this on the observer website but the comments where closed. Bit superfluous posting it here don't you think?

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Kind of like there's enough Starbucks.

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