UK: More women than men now in high-status jobs

Article here. And as usual, the claim is that women are underpaid relative to men, while also merely mentioning the fact that men tend to do the more dirty and dangerous jobs in society. Excerpt:

'Women are now in the majority when it comes to high status jobs - but men are still being paid far more for doing the same work, according to new research.

A study by Cambrige University, which found that more women than men are now employed as doctors, architects and lawyers, attributes the shift to improvements in education and a changing attitude to what is 'women's work'.

In the past, women were more likely than men to be in manual occupation, but as these types of jobs have declined, it is predominantly women who have moved into white-collar positions, according to the report authors.
The study, which also examined pay in 10 European countries, found that despite the elevation in job standards, women are still lagging behind in the salary stakes.

The report reinforces the findings of the Women and Work Commission, which last month revealed that the gender pay gap has now widened to 22.6 per cent.
It placed professions such as medicine and law at the top of the spectrum with managers and scientists, and showed more women were now employed in the 'prestigious' posts.

Dr Blackburn said dirty and dangerous manual work was usually carried out by men.

Formerly, women were more likely than men to be in manual occupations, but as manual work has declined, it is predominantly women who have moved into non-manual jobs,' he said.'

No mention of the fact that men categorically put in longer hours than women do across the board. No mention that a profession-by-profession comparison will reveal much different results re salary and total compensation. No mention about women's voluntary lifestyle choices and how they tend to affect the salary or wage they can command. And no mention of work-related death and injury statistics by sex, either.

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I'm not sure about that one.

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Men: best of 5 sets
Women: best of 3 sets

Both get the same amount of money.
Now how is this equal work for equal pay?
The men train far, far more to handle 5 sets than the women do.

This is wage discrimination based on gender. Period.

The males work far, far harder for their wage.
They should be paid more than the women.

Make the work equal or pay the men more.

oregon dad

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