Study: Women underrate bosses' opinion of them

Article here. Excerpt:

'ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — A new study shows female managers are more than three times as likely as their male counterparts to underrate their bosses' opinions of their job performance.
"Women have imposed their own glass ceiling, and the question is why," said Scott Taylor, an assistant professor at the University of New Mexico Anderson School of Management who conducted the study.
Taylor said managers may need to learn better ways to communicate to female employees that they are valued. Women may need to learn how to better seek positive and critical feedback, he said.

Taylor says the findings could indicate why many women don't rise to head companies or why there is a wage disparity between men and women.'

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If an individual thinks they suck at their job, that same person won't think their worth the same money as a person who feels competent . Yet another reason why wage gap statistics are complete bullshit.

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