UK: 'Women aren’t equal to men - especially not the feminists'

Article here. Excerpt:

'It is Harriet Harman’s misfortune that she is the sort of woman who gives feminism a bad name. Her intentions may be of the highest, her motives of the most disinterested, but when she holds forth from her political heights about rape, the superiority of her imaginary Lehman Sisters to Lehman Brothers and the impropriety of a mere man running the country without a woman at his side to restrain him, there are many who mutter to themselves that if this is feminism, it is barking.

Harman’s agenda seems at times quite daft: must tiny children really be taught at school about daddies’ nasty way of hitting mummies? As the nation’s newspaper of record itself was prompted to ask, has feminism gone nuts? The simple and depressing answer is that feminism has always tended to go – if not nuts – then wildly astray, from one extreme to another.
The tragedy of feminism is that it has been dogged, or perhaps I should say bitched, by a lot of fixed ideas and unquestioned beliefs. Only when it becomes intellectually rigorous will feminism have some claim to intellectual respectability and then perhaps some claim to justice.

It is a shame to my sex that the women’s movement has been brought low by muddled and emotional thinking – so often said by misogynists to be characteristic of the female mind and, I believe, a characteristic of Harman’s.'

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