UK: Why boys are now the true victims of discrimination

Article here, in the "Femail" section, no less. Excerpt:

'As the mother of an only child, a son, I do not think I am exaggerating in saying that I detected something akin to sympathy when we announced that we had a boy.
Answering counter-claims that the introduction of GCSE and the continued relatively poor performance of boys is just a coincidence, the study points out that in research by the Organisation For Economic Co-operation And Development, where more than 13,000 15-year-olds sat what might be termed 'traditional' tests, girls scored better in reading, while boys achieved more correct answers in maths and science.

When the same pupils sat GCSEs, however, the girls did better in all subjects.
As someone who has benefitted enormously from the women’s movement, I deplore the prospect of a generation of disadvantaged young men failing to reach their true potential and missing out on university and the chances it brings.
And if we continue to ignore the yawning gender achievement gap in our schools, then we will all suffer as a result.'

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I keep waiting for someone in high power to form a committee dedicated to boys' education.

The problem goes way deeper than all the female teachers. The female learning style is embedded in the curriculum and in the testing (someone needs to keep an eye on the big standardized testing companies as they dictate the curriculum and there is evidence that they are favoring females).

It has been said that even the new SAT format has more open-ended questions that require essay style answers which is a benefit to girls (I'm guessing that it is mostly females that get to score these essay answers, another bias). The SAT is the 'gatekeeper' as to whom enters college and who does not. I'm not a fan of having subjective type questions as part of high-stakes standardized tests. Boys' scores have declined since the essay-style questions have been used.

For those of you not in the USA, you should know that former president George Bush implemented the "No Child Left Behind Act' that mandates that all schools use standardized tests in certain grades. Boys have scored much lower than girls on these tests and the drop out rate for boys in high school has skyrocketed since No Child Left Behind became law. The testing companies also supply the curriculum. It is my belief that this whole system favors the learning style of girls.

Private schools are not immune as they also have females dominating the teaching field and in the higher decision making positions, and they also use national standardized tests (although they use them by choice, not by law).

I believe boys are in big trouble with our educational system, and I am so frustrated that nothing is being done about it!

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I posted this in the Mail Online comment section yesterday:

    If the UK is anything like the US, the last 30 years have been marked by an upsurge of girl-power support. The book of US federal girl-only educational programs is 3 inches thick! (Adding state and local would look like an encyclopedia.) Given this boost, girls would have to be unteachable not to surpass boys.

    Moreover, the disparity becomes even more pronounced lower down the socioeconomic ladder, where girl-only opportunities are often the ONLY opportunity. Consider, eg, a free-for-girls summer science camp. The rich can afford something better; a middle-class family would grumble, then pay for bro. But the poor family, esp. if headed by a single mom, may well send sis and let bro roam the streets that summer. Both siblings may have their lives changed forever.

    And lastly, many female teachers are not just inadequate role models, they have absorbed the misandry of their women studies classes. They subtly discriminate against the boys and secretly savor their failure.

It didn't show, so I reposted it again this morning.
Posting in the "comment section" of articles is the least we can do in terms of internet activism (time permitting).

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Hunchback the UK is like the USA but several years behind.So what happens in the USA tells us what our futures will be like. Into the mix you have to throw a little bit of Sweden which is also a model for the what is to come.

As for the substance of this post:- it does not bode well. But to be honest I have always been one who has only seen a dark future.

Short of America being destroyed utterly so that only dust remains I see little chance of feminism being stopped and men being anything more than a subspecies of slaves, some of whom will be rewarded by cunt.

Would I care if america was turned into dust? Not in the slightest I would rejoice at the prospect. Sadly for all the hype N Korea does not have the means. May be you will be killed off one by one in Afghanistan.

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"Would I care if america was turned into dust? Not in the slightest I would rejoice at the prospect. Sadly for all the hype N Korea does not have the means. May be you will be killed off one by one in Afghanistan."

I can only hope you had a few before writing this and don't really mean it, trotter. If America were destroyed, you'd have no place to escape to after the total subjugation of males in Europe is enacted. (Well, I suppose you could escape to S. America, but really, it's awful hot down there, and besides, you'd never get used to the switch-out in seasons or the different food...)

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No I hadn't been drinking. Well only two small glasses of cider. But even without the aid of the juice of the apple I would say the same. Escape to America is not what I would have in mind. Sudan might be an option. Actually I have already tried the Balkans and may go back again. But I can not say I really got away from women and feminism although for the best part of a year I lived alone on a hillside. In the end there where still women around though some where not the filth I usually refer to in my posts. I used to see them working on their small allotments gathering in the food to feed the family during the winter. This often was the old woman's work.

But back to my point. For me there is no nation, no nationality, no such thing as patriotism. I can not hate feminism and then somehow love america or speak up for western civilization. Western civilization and all its constituent nations are irredeemable feminist and probably always have been. I draw comfort from the thought of america just collapsing and imploding of its own accord. The N Koreans wont do it but may be the economic collapse will be total. There are plenty of predictions that it will be. I don't know. If the collapse destroys me as well then so be it. My last gasp might be my only free one.

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