Senate confirms Sotomayor for Supreme Court

Article here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON – The Senate confirmed Sonia Sotomayor Thursday as the first Hispanic justice on the Supreme Court. The vote was 68-31 for Sotomayor, President Barack Obama's first high court nominee. She becomes the 111th justice and just the third woman to serve.

Democrats praised the 55-year-old Sotomayor as a mainstream moderate. But most Republicans voted against her, saying she'd bring personal bias and a liberal agenda to the bench.
The Republicans said that they might disagree with some of her rulings, statements or views, but that she was well-qualified to serve on the nation's highest court.
Like Democrats, many of them called Sotomayor's background inspirational. The daughter of Puerto Rican parents, she was raised in a South Bronx housing project, then educated in the Ivy League before rising to the highest legal echelons.'

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A man hater on the bench? A train wreck waiting to happen.

Sascha Konietzko --


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At least both of my Senators voted against the confirmation of that misandric pig.

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Racism rocks - as long as it's against whites. Sexism rocks - as long as it's against men.

The conservatives and the progressives can both kiss my ass on this one.

I should add, that in the future if the Republicans, the Tories or the Liberals here in Aus want to put forward some sexist male bastard i will not be opposing them, after all what are the women doing for us? Nothing.

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