US Legislators Examine Violence Against Women Act

Article here. Excerpt:

'"So much more is needed. We must strengthen VAWA so that it works for all victims of sexual or domestic violence - whether they live in rural or urban areas, whether they speak English or another language," Karen Tronsgard-Scott says. "Every victim deserves a chance to live a peace-filled life."

But lawmakers are up against protectionists who don't want taxpayer funds benefiting residents who don't have permission to live in the U.S. Others complain about the confidentiality granted through the law. Once an immigrant claims abuse, their quest for legal status through the VaWa act is secret. The accused is not sought out for his side of the story.

Ron Grignol is a critic who says VaWa makes it easy for women to allege abuse, simply to become permanent residents. "Right away you're given legal status. You don't have to go through that immigration interview, you don't have to go through the administrative law judge," he explains. "Your spouse or ex-spouse is not allowed to provide any evidence that he thinks you committed fraud."'

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So many lies in one article.

One in three women?

And what about men?



Down on your knees, And thank heaven, fasting,
For a good man's love.

Shakespeare, As You Like It III, 5

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From "the alleged victim needs to provide evidence she was abused" to "the alleged abuser doesn't even have a chance to dispute the allegation"

We will soon be living in a police state.

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Remember that USA embassy in India has warned of this kind of fraud where in a women simply marries for Green card

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Unfortunately, the wheels of the police state apparatus have been turning now for many years. This will be yet another nail in freedom's coffin.

What really disgusts me about this legislation is that the government, who is supposed to represent us, namely, we the people, uses our hard-earned tax dollars to take away our rights. I know the USA was founded as a republic and not a democracy, but this is patently absurd.

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