Jury: Minneapolis woman's rape report false

Story here. Excerpt:

'A defense lawyer on Tuesday won a sentencing delay for a 23-year-old north Minneapolis woman convicted of falsely accusing two Minneapolis police officers of raping her.

After a three-week trial, a jury on Monday convicted Trisha Farkarlun, 23, of making a false report of police misconduct, a gross misdemeanor. She could be sentenced to up to one year in jail and fined $3,000.

Hennepin County District Judge Tanya Bransford delayed sentencing until Aug. 14 so she could receive written memos and respond to the defense motions for acquittal, a new trial and a hearing on potential juror misconduct.'

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I thought women never lie?

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Female judge. My prediction. She will get a dismissal.
Of course women don't lie. It would never occur to them.


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Women don't lie they just invent the truth, and since they believe what they say they can never lie.

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As the great communist leader Lenin stated, "A lie told often enough becomes the truth."

Communists and feminists have so much in common.

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