Canada: Teen lied about sexual assault

Story here.

'A southern Alberta teenager could be charged with public mischief for making a false sexual assault report to police.

RCMP in Strathmore had asked the public for help Monday after a 14-year-old said she had been sexually assaulted by up to five young men around 2 a.m. in an alley behind Strathmore's Co-op liquor store.

Police released a description of three men and a vehicle.

On Thursday, police said the girl had recanted her story. She told officers she made up the story, using details from a verbal encounter she had with two men in the alley.

"The RCMP wish to remind everyone that fictitious claims of criminal offences are not only subject to possible criminal charges, but these stories have a profound effect on the sense of security of the community, negative impact on the reputation of communities, any accused persons and others who are actual victims of crimes," the force said in a release.'

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I thought women never lie?

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Anthony I don't know what we are going to do with you.


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