"Dads On the Air" site re-launch announcement

The Dads On the Air Program is going from strength to strength- and this week the website has relaunched with a new updated design and new features.

Come and check us out. The design is now much cleaner and less cluttered and the site itself much more pleasant to use.

The more modern design makes it easier to read and navigate around. The pages have a friendlier URL structure, for example the backgrounder is at http://www.dadsontheair.net/background/ and the bookstore is at http://dadsontheair.net/bookstore/.

As well, the full weekly show flyers are now available for all shows new and old, not just a summary of each week's guests. Just click the show title on the Home page or the "Click to read more..." link on the Archives page.

You can now search old shows by topic from the Archives page. For example, if you're just looking for shows about Men's Health, just click the Men's Health link in the right column. You can now easily email shows to friends by clicking the Email Article link at the bottom of the show page

You can also now share shows using all the modern social networking tools such as Facebook and Twitter by clicking the Share Article link at the bottom of the show page.

We would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank our researcher Greg Andresen for the wonderful work he has done redesigning the website. He has done an absolutely marvelous job and we at Dads On The Air owe him a profound debt of gratitude.


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