Lee Nessel: Is it time to revise Title IX?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Ah, equity. You can write a law and force it, but there still will be someone who feels they are on the short end, someone who will say, "This equity is not fair to me."

Is it time to revisit and revise Title IX?
I have met and known men who lost their life's dream when teams were cut and opportunities shrank for them to participate in sports. To them, Title IX is unfair. I couldn't agree more.
But the question remains, without Title IX, can the power structure in high school and intercollegiate athletics be trusted to ensure women continue to get a fair shake? If so, do away with it. If not, consider amending it. Or else we live with it, as unfair as it appears to some.

But since none of us can see into the future, it appears Title IX is here to stay.'

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