Australia: Girl event ‘can refuse men’

Article here. Excerpt:

'A girls night in Victoria will be legally able to refuse biological men from the event following a decision in that state this morning.

Pinkalicious organisers were this morning successful in their application for a women’s only event with the Victorian Civil Administrative Tribunal (VACT).

Promoters applied to VCAT in May for an exemption from state equal opportunity laws to allow them to turn biological men away from the event.

Pinkalicious promoter Julie Mackenzie said it was a “historic”day for Melbourne’s lesbian community as the first enforced female-only event.'

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I just don't care about this. In any case it is just the law making a fool of itself.

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Hypocritical scum. Wasn't it the dyke feminists that used to protest men-only clubs and venues? You know what might be a good idea? Is if the lesbians, feminists, and general man haters got their own country. Then they can have all the women-only things they want, and the rest of us can live in a more reasonable social climate with out these equality hypocrites warping society with their cowshit.

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What the hell does that mean?

Does that mean a bionic man is allowed?

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"Biological men" are people with XY chromosomes *and* penises.

In rare cases a woman, for example, is born with an XY combination, but has all the characteristics of a woman, including a vagina, even though she does not have a menstrual period (this is one of several conditions under the heading Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome). It is a genetic/endocrine anomaly reminding us of how complex and opaque mammalian biology can be in its variations.

But, this isn't what they are talking about here. No, they are referring to female-to-male transgendered people. They look and act very much like men and have a much easier time living as men since the testosterone supplements most of them take are so much more overwhelming in causing body changes than estrogen supplements usually are with most male-to-female transsexuals who use them. Unless you see a F2M transsexual naked, it is very hard to tell that you are talking to a person who was born female (and by biological standards, still is).

So if a woman (er, I mean, biological woman) who looks, talks, and acts like a man wants entry into this event, she (he? she? I'm confused now...) will be allowed entry. [How the organizers will be able to tell though, I don't know. Maybe the F2M people will have to get special pass-cards ahead of time based on what, a medical report? Anyway, not my problem...]

So in short, it's your penis they don't want there. Apparently, even one penis in a roomful of vaginas will somehow spoil the whole dat-burned party!

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Did any of these women have fathers? Or at least brothers or uncles? Where did they learn to hate so much? can't all be due to women's studies courses.

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