Huffington Post: 'US Congress: Keep Your Word to Abused Women'

Article here. Excerpt:

'The good news is that Congress has already made a commitment to do something about this. The bad news is that it hasn't put its money where its mouth is. While having previously recommended $175 million for emergency shelter in the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act, Congress budgeted only $127.7 million for these services last year. Likewise, the much-lauded Violence Against Women Act (VAWA -- a flagship piece of legislation for Vice President Biden when he was a senator) has never been fully funded.

This could dramatically change on Friday. The House Appropriations Committee is set to decide how much money to provide for a number of critical domestic violence services, including emergency shelter. Members would do well to remember Michelle, and the millions of American women like her who are forced to flee violent relationships. They should remember the duty of protection the government owes them and the pledge of assistance it has made. And they should be aware of the repercussions if that pledge is not kept. '

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Funny thing about this article: There is almost no traffic. Nobody is reading it, or at least, nobody is commenting on it.

I dropped a few kernels of Murray Strauss research, and much to my surprise, they posted it. But only one other person has said a thing.

That's just weird. It makes me wonder if news sites are deep-6ing these kinds of stories to avoid the controversy that they generate, since MRAs are jumping in with more commentary.

Down on your knees, And thank heaven, fasting,
For a good man's love.

Shakespeare, As You Like It III, 5

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