Shriver to host Couric, Shakira, superstars at "Super Bowl" women's conference

Article here. Excerpt:

'California First Lady Maria Shriver has done it again, wrangled a crowd of the world's top entertainers, political insiders and star speakers to her annual Women's Conference -- among them, hero pilot "Sully" Sullenberger, rock stars Shakira and Alicia Keys, Virgin airlines mogul Richard Branson, cousin Caroline Kennedy, CBS anchor Katie Couric, race car driver Danica Patrick, and political wives Elizabeth Edwards and Cindy Helmsley McCain.
*NBC's "Meet the Press" host David Gregory will moderate a panel starring key Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Shriver herself on "the role of an increasingly women's nation,' Shriver said.
"They've asked me to bring it to Mexico, India, England,'' she said. "Gloria Steinem said we should put it in all 50 states.'

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Shriver's been making this same comment for quite some time.

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I'd love to know the budget for this conference. In a state that is going down the tubes they somehow still have money for a conference such as this but don't have money for services for men. I know that NCFM has requested similar funding for a conference for men in California and they have been ignored.

When will the bigotry stop?

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When we stop the perpetrators of course. When politicians worry about getting booted out of office because they've offended men, they'll do a lot less of the crap they're doing now.

Organize, agitate, vote!

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.........when you need him?

I would like to see Arnie slap the crap out of her!

She is so pretentious it is unbelievable!

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