"Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off"

An article reviewed here on Glenn Sacks' blog. From the review:

'Loh had been married for 20 years when she decided she wanted a divorce. She and her husband have two elementary-school-aged children. She has nothing bad to say about her husband, but seemingly the magic just wasn't there any longer. Loh's oblique way of letting us know about her extramarital affair is to say that her "commitment to monogamy...came unglued." (Can you hear Mark Sanford or Eliot Spitzer saying that?)

And having done so, she found that "I would not be able to replace the romantic memory of my fellow transgressor with the more suitable image of my husband..."
And here's how: if a woman is sexually unsatisfied by her husband, she should have two men, one to do the chores around the house and the other to do sexual service on the side, but whom the kids never see. If neither partner has much interest in sex, then they agree to just be companions. And that, according to Loh, covers the waterfront. If there are any other permutations of male/female intimacy, Loh doesn't let on about them. Really, I kid you not.

And kids? Loh says that from ages 1-5 (what happened to birth-to-one year old?) children should be raised "tribally" by a group of women. Men would come in periodically to do chores and provide sex. After age five or so, men would take over parenting.

I know; you think I'm making this up. You're thinking of all the hundreds of gaping holes in her arguments, the wholesale ignorance of basic facts, the final descent into utter fantasy. Well, I thought of that too and I tell you, it's too much to take on, so I won't even try. As every attorney knows, sometimes it's better to just shut up and let your opponent's argument fall of its own weight.'

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I will admit, she is creative. That is one of the most creative pieces of rationalization that I have seen in a long time. Why yes, she is lazy, and yes she is creative. So, her husband must suffer through her mid life crisis, and she says she has a therapist? I lived with an ex in seperate bedrooms for over a year before we divorced, very chilly place. She told me when I asked for a divorce to move into a motel. :) My house also. Can you imagine what the press would do if a man wrote something like this? You know I could go on, but I might resemble someone else!

David A. DeLong

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