Fatal DV Cases Have Male Victims

Article here. Excerpt:

'“Domestic violence against men is seen as a joke in this culture,” he said, adding that male victims are often thought of as “wimpy” or “weak.”

A Sonoma County health department report for 2005 through 2009 listed several gaps in resources and services for domestic abuse victims, including the need for greater attention for male victims and female perpetrators.

The report also said there was a lack of gender-specific support and counseling for male victims. It also recommended a change in thinking to acknowledge that both parties can instigate or contribute to domestic violence.

“Men are today where women were 30 years ago as far as being invisible victims,” said Manthey. “The battered women’s advocates have done a tremendous job in bringing to light this issue with the public. . . . It’s time to turn the light onto battered men. Too bad it’s taken three murders.”'

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