Teacher Burned Boy's 'Butt', Cops Say

Story here. Am I the only one who thinks using the slang term 'butt' is a bit inappropriate considering the seriousness of the accusation? Excerpt:

'ALLEN, Texas - A former teacher at Allen’s Lowery Freshman Center faces formal charges for allegedly burning a 14-year-old mentally disabled boy on the buttocks with a cooking pan.

A Collin County grand jury indicted 45-year-old Susanne Means earlier this month on injury to a child charges.

Police said Means was a special education teacher at the freshman center in March when the incident allegedly happened.

The mentally disabled boy’s father told police his son had two 12-inch circular “scald” marks on his buttocks. The boy said Means had burned him with a hot pan, according to the arrest warrant affidavit.'

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If Ritalin doesn't work, teachers can always resort to corporal punishment. Either way, boys MUST assimilate to a feminized education system. Whats next, lynching in the teachers lounge? Maybe they can put boys in an iron maiden. Any wonder why boys hate school?

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The one thing that will never ever be examined in discussions of the boy crisis is the rampant misandry in the feminized classroom. Female teachers, all exposed to women studies courses, tend to consciously or subconsciously see male students as patriarchs-in-training. Even those with a commitment to fairness are secretly gratified to see their male charges taken down a peg. This is widespread--damn near universal--and will never be admitted to.

It's really no surprise to occasionally see the hatred actually released as in the assault on this innocent boy.

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