HIV-positive Knoxville woman a walking felony

Story here. Excerpt:

'Most hookers spend only a few hours or days behind bars when they're busted. Twenty-eight-year-old Tiffany Ann Moore of Knoxville may end up spending the next three to 15 years in a state prison cell for the crime of selling her own body.

Moore differs from most of the 525 other known prostitutes arrested in Knox County over the past five years in one significant way: she is HIV-positive.

Moore's medical condition means that when she turns tricks for a living she's committing a felony called aggravated prostitution. Women without HIV face misdemeanor prostitution charges that often add up to no more than probation and a fine.

Moore is a repeat offender, having been convicted twice of being an HIV-infected prostitute before she was arrested a third time early this year, records show. Despite the fact that she's never been accused of any type of sexual assault, her criminal history already means she must register as a sex offender under state law and follow many of the same restrictions as rapists and child molesters.
In addition to a history of homelessness, she has also been diagnosed with a neurological disorder and mental problems that include "flashbacks of being raped while working the streets," according to her pre-sentence report.'

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"Despite the fact that she's never been accused of any type of sexual assault, her criminal history already means she must register as a sex offender under state law and follow many of the same restrictions as rapists and child molesters."

In Canada anyway, knowingly having sex with someone without disclosing your HIV status IS sexual assault and a quick Google search of Canadian web pages reveals over 400 cases where men have been charged with sexual assault for not telling their partner they were HIV positive.

So how exactly has this woman NOT committed sexual assault? Why does this article make it sound like she is not a repeat sex offender? Sure she may not have drugged, or robbed, or beaten any of her victims, but she knew she was handing them a potential death sentence so why should she feel the need to go the extra mile in torturing them further?

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