Prominent FRA, Nathan Alexander, passes

Article here. Excerpt:

"How harassment over child custody and child support eventually killed my brother who had preleukemia. It is a sad Father's Day this year.

May 24, 2009 was the day my older brother Nathan finally succumbed to leukemia. I felt like my world had ended. Nathan was a larger-than-life one-of-a-kind; the epitome of what a fun, charismatic, witty older brother should be. He was always happy, alternating between intellectual pontifications and mischievous joking. He understood my sense of humor better than anyone, and the emails flew back and forth between us sometimes 10 times a day. He frequently took humorous breaking news articles and inserted our friends' names into them, sending them out in official looking emails to mutual friends. Nathan and I remained close over the years, not having a significant other to confide in.
The legal battles with the mother of his child continued, as she was able to further reduce his visitation since he had moved out of the state. She added difficult restrictions to their daughter visiting him in Alabama, and refused to adjust the weeks Elisa would visit to accommodate his teaching schedule. He tried to take on teaching a fourth class in order to afford his child support, but he could not keep it up for long. Even fully healthy professors find taking on a fourth class exhausting. He finally was forced to file for bankruptcy.

...Right up until the end, the mother of his child refused to let Elisa (a very bright girl turning 10 years old in August) fly on a plane by herself, even though airlines allow children to fly alone on nonstop planes as young as five years old.'

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