"Dana Perino: Only Male Politicians Commit Adultery"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Well, that didn't take long. With the unfortunately predictable political sex scandals continuing to grab headlines in the MSM, and the astonishing amount of commentary on them, I'm only surprised that a blog like this one from former Bush Press Secretary Dana Perino in the National Review didn't come out earlier (National Review, 6/25/09).

From Clinton and Spitzer to Ensign and Sanford, and with plenty more in between, there's nothing the MSM likes better than a good, preferably kinky, sex scandal involving a highly placed public official. For MSM reporters, these stories have everything - sex, power, betrayal, weeping wives, disgrace and lots more. Perhaps best of all, they require no thought on the part of the reporter. There are no tedious issues to grapple with, no statistics to sort out, no ethical gray areas. It's simple.
...According to her, the salient feature of these scandals is that it's men who are the wrongdoers. And what that means is crystal clear to her - elect women to office and poof! no more sex scandals. Because for sure, women don't commit adultery.
The inconvenient truth contradicts her mythology of female virtue and male perfidy. Although most studies of adultery in America show that men do it more than women, others show it to be a dead heat. This summary of studies gives a pretty good idea of who has sex outside of marriage.'

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Actually adultery does not bother me. It is marriage which is the obscenity. What also bother me is the totally cringing apologetic way they respond when discovered. They grovel and squire like the worms they are. If it where me I would be proud and I would say so. In fact the more adultery I have the better. Sadly there is all too little. For the record I believe in adultery, prostitution and any other form of heterosexual liberation that at the moment I can not think of. I have on many occasions expressed the view women are filth on this website. This is in fact only partly my opinion. I think the prostitute and the tart are the best amongst women and should be honoured and revered. As for the rest, well yes they are still filth.

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This is a woman who once admitted to not knowing what the Cuban Missile Crisis was, so it comes as no surprise that she has no idea what she's on about.
Dana Perino - Dan Quayle in a skirt.

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