"In fact, Men in Power is a hearty example of grassroots feminism."

Article here. Excerpt:

'But none of the stated aims of the Men in Power student organization were cited in either of these news sources. Both media outlets focused on the satirical article and both The Tribune and Feministing missed the point. Instead, the media outlets quietly spun stories to fit their conceptions of what it means to be a feminist and what it means to be a man. Stereotypes have taught us that these groups are mutually exclusive. But real evidence of what Steve Saltarelli and colleagues (both male and female) are saying and doing at U. Chicago shows that it is indisputable that their mission fits well into the larger movement for gender equality.

In fact, Men in Power is a hearty example of grassroots feminism.

Saltarelli agreed to begin Men in Power in order to “discuss issues of masculinity in society.” And he is reported in the Chicago Tribune article as saying that “If we have good men in our society, everyone benefits.”

So before feminists get in a tizzy over an organization with an offensive name without questioning what the group actually does, and before misogynistic men begin their victory dances claiming to have finally put women back in their places, maybe we should begin our investigation of stories like this from a more conscious and less combative perspective.'

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