Commentary: 'De-Masculinity & The U.S.'

Article here. Excerpt:

'As the government is methodically taking over key industries and financial institutions, the people's attention is being diverted to – what else – diversity, the be-all and end-all of the social agenda that has been driven for some 30-40 years by the so-called liberals, with women's militant feminist organizations in the vanguard. The term diversity has been primarily utilized as remarking ethnic/gender considerations, but actually it has been code for the term "de-masculinity," applied mostly to white Anglo-Saxon males...and within an entirely pejorative framework.
This is but the latest example of the emasculating of the government, the castration of it insofar as actions/responsibilities of white males are concerned. Sotomayor, in an appeals court case that she has just handled, heaved and brought forth the opinion that promotions in a fire department should go to minorities, even though they scored lower than a number of white males on the required tests. This decision, then, gave her the added ethnic bona fides to further the affirmative action agenda, no matter the degree and kind of reverse-discrimination involved. The highest scorers were white males, thus, in Sotomayor's thinking, they would not make good decisions...OR...she has an agenda, not a bent toward interpreting the Constitution. Either way, Omamessiah should look for someone else, maybe a left-handed, one-legged, ex-con female from Lower give DIVERSITY to the Court.'

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