UK: 'Women never forget, Gordon. So watch out'

Article here. Excerpt:

'A woman scorned is a dangerous thing. Hell hath no fury to match her menace.What hope for Gordon escaping the poisoned darts shot by women who have abandoned him? None whatsoever.

A woman overlooked, scorned and set adrift is a loose canon fully loaded and fizzing. At some stage she’ll go off with an almighty bang. Then she’ll reload and fire again.

Gordon Brown should be digging an underground shelter right now. He’s surrounded by dangerous women – and they all have his soft, tender bits in their sights. They want his career and his reputation. And boy, are they on course to claim them.

Worse still, they are armed to the teeth with the kind of secrets that can cause the most pain. As any woman knows, the definition of a secret is something that should be kept closely confidential until it becomes irresistibly useful. These ladies have oodles of them.

Margaret Thatcher knew that, which is why she never kept women close, nor even gave any a job. Men, she realised, were much more easily managed. She took the easy option.
How long, one wonders, will it be before Harriet Harman joins them? Watch her face, as she sits at the side of her leader during Prime Minister’s Questions. No guffaws and hoo-has from Harriet, no obedient nodding at his every word of dubious, wriggling wisdom.
Gordon’s old girls are growing more angry by the day. They’re nowhere near finished with him yet. Their ammunition is building and their target practice is damned near perfect.'

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What more would it take for men to rise and fight fascist feminism if Harriet Harman is elected? This could be the breaking point for English men. Enough is enough. Its a shame, I visited The UK after college and had a great time. Don't feel bad, the US has its own version of Harman. I'm speaking of NY senate candidate Caroline Maloney.

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