Who is fighting for men's rights?

Article here. Excerpt:

'This family law system is a joke. It should have been called the Flawed Family Law System. In my opinion, this is a predatory system in which women use the divorce laws as a legalized vehicle for harassment against men. What gives me the right to have total power and control over his life until our children are no longer considered "children of marriage?"
I have been in touch with several men's groups in Canada and I am a proud member of Fathers 4 Justice Canada. I have read literally hundreds of e-mails from men reaching their hands out of the gutters of life to simply come up to a living standard that you and your other female activists would call hell on earth.

Where are the politicians? They fund women's rights groups but what about men's rights? This abuse of justice against men in Canada and around the world makes a mockery of everyone. How sad for our children.

Once a society knows that an injustice is being done, we have a moral, ethical and spiritual obligation to address the problem. I ask you why are we ignoring men's rights in Canada?

The media and government should be ashamed. You know that this problem exists. Please do what's right rather than what's easy. Be a voice for fathers and their children.'

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