New User Accounts Temporarily Disabled

I need to temporarily disable the creation of new user accounts on MANN until I find time to fully resolve the spam problem we've been having recently. This may take up to a week to fix, so bear with me. Thanks!

Update 6/13: In the meantime if you would like to create a user account you can send us an email at with a requested username and we can create your account manually. Do not send us a requested password - we will generate one for you manually and you can change it after you log in for the first time.

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I am finding the letters I have to enter to log on quite difficult to read. I would be sorry to be unable to log on.

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A hearty congratulations to the hard working staff at MANN! Thank you for your time and effort! Keep up the good work!

David A. DeLong

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> I am finding the letters I have to enter to log on quite difficult to read. I would be sorry to be unable to log on.

I hear you. At this point I have reason to believe that the spam is coming from actual human beings and not automated spam bots. As such, the captcha complexity isn't preventing them from posting the spam. So I have now reduced a lot of the captcha complexity so they should be easier to read.


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I'm getting sick of these spammers. Perhaps you could create a report button which allows us to report these messages?

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I didn't do it. Honest.
I am one of the notmes

Anything we can do to help?


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It is more than likely feminists who are attacking this site. With a feminist in the white house, I think all MRA sites are being attacked.

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After previewing this site for over two years, I agree.

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I am a contributing member of the false rape society. I was wondering if the are listed in the Men's links.

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Call me naive, but if we're suddenly getting more traffic from spammers and trolls, is it possible that we might be getting under the skin of the rad-fems a little more?


Down on your knees, And thank heaven, fasting,
For a good man's love.

Shakespeare, As You Like It III, 5

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Spam volume has gone up a lot these past few months. Spam includes not just these kinds of BS posts to message boards but email spam, too. An article on it:

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Getting under the rad feminists skin. I hope so.

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Thank you!

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He loves thank-you emails...

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