UK: The future is female – how women are transforming face of the health service

Article here. Excerpt:

'A quiet sexual revolution, brought about by the overwhelming success of bright young women applying to medical schools, is about to deliver the NHS into female hands. Within eight years, according to a report published today, most doctors will be women.

The old medical patriarchy has left, retired, gone underground or been forced to change its views.
The review was triggered by remarks from the first female president of the Royal College of Physicians, Dame Carol Black, which sparked a furore. She warned that the domination of medicine by women would end with the profession losing power and influence.

"We are feminising medicine. It has been a profession dominated by white males. What are we going to have to do to ensure it retains its influence? she said in 2004.

"Years ago, teaching was a male-­dominated profession – and look what happened to teaching. I don't think they feel they are a powerful profession any more. Look at nursing, too."'

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Based on my own personal experiences over the last 15 years or so, men doctors and dentists are more proficient than women on average, and more professional.

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It used to be a given that picking any physician out of a phone book at random was not an altogether careless act. The competence and professionalism of the randomly picked physician could be more or less assumed regardless of whom was picked.

I don't believe this could be done with the medical field feminized.

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