Royal Oak woman guilty of burning 5-year-old son

Story here. Excerpt:

'Returning a guilty verdict for child abuse in the second degree, an Oakland County Circuit Court jury believes a Royal Oak woman burned her 5-year-old son with a hair straightening iron the same day she turned 29.
“We are certainly hoping for leniency in light of the fact that Ms. Drew has no criminal record,” Youngs said. “Second-degree child abuse removes intent as an element and requires that the prosecutor only show recklessness. The sentence Ms. Drew receives may impact how we go forward. This case has been a nightmare for her.”
The third-degree burns to the child's lower right leg required skin grafts and plastic surgery, and the arrest came several months into the investigation, Swiatkowski said.

The boy has autism and limited verbal skills, which kept him from being able to tell police how he was burned, according to Swiatkowski.'

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