"Fathers Rights Groups Are Destructive"

Usually I ignore feminist blogs since they are so predictable. This particular entry though strikes me as especially venomous. FR groups are painted as being front organizations for batterers and, based on the language used to describe them, all but terrorist organizations. These kinds of defamations must be confronted and the accusers called to task for their mischaracterizations. Entry here. Excerpt:

'Lets begin with the infamous shared parenting bill brought about by fathers rights groups.
Campaign messages were:

* Fathers are committing suicide because they are not seeing their children.
* Single mothers are bad aka "fatherlessness"
* Mothers make false allegations for financial reasons or revenge
* Most Domestic Violence allegations are made to gain custody of the child

The submissions that were made in the Australian family law reform were mostly from men and women supporting men. There was no credible research to prove any of these statements, but the amplified voice of propaganda won above common sense and ethics.

Dads In Distress is one of the milder operational cells of the Australian FR Network. They are milder simply because they are restricted by funding guidelines set out by FACSIA . DIDS has been funded for over a million dollars under the guidelines of, "Suicide Prevention". Dads In Distress claimed in his appeal for more funding that fathers will be committing suicide without his service. The Mens Referral Service has been far more responsible in providing these services for men without lobbying for children to have contact with mentally unstable men. In many studies conducted on murder suicides, research revealed that when men do it, they usually take children and women with them. Such advocacy is irresponsible and selfish in respect to the interests of the children.
In Family Court Proceedings, False Allegations are rare. Dr Kim Oates was quoted on ABCs Parent Alienation Background briefing to have findings of false allegations as low as 2.5%.'

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I left a comment on this blog, but I seriously doubt that it will see the light of day. Comments must be "approved" before they are published. I'm not holding my breath.


Down on your knees, And thank heaven, fasting,
For a good man's love.

Shakespeare, As You Like It III, 5

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Anonymums are nutbars from OZ. Pay no attention to their rants and ravings. They are victim feminists who decry the term and say no - were victim "maternalists." You will note most of their rants evolve around motherhood being the be all and end all of humanity.

They aren't worth doing any work on unless one of them surfaces with a real name and then we can start to identify who they are to the tax payers of oz who foot the bill for a lot of their lunacy.

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This is the ongoing Gender War brought out into the light. It is amusing to read how Feminists are about Equality except when it comes to Equal Parenting. Since the election of VAWA Joe Biden, and Barrack Obama Male Feminist. The Feminists have ratcheted up their rhetoric. Expect more extreme rantings. Violet Socks of the Reclusiveleftist.com says that NOW's Leadership is not Radical Enough. Rage Against the Man-Chine blog is promoting Twisty Faster's concept that all Sex with Women by Men is Rape. And if a Woman accuses a Man of Rape he is automatically guilty. This concept is being promoted further amongst Feminists.

For the last three weeks I have been reading Feminist blogs. First most are Lesbians or BiSexuals. Second many are Pagans or Wiccans. They are a very screwball, dysfunctional and mentally ill lot of Women. Best avoided by Men. That is part of their problem. Their virulent hatred of all Males. Many openly worship Mary Daly and Andrea Dworkin.

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