Germany: ‘Male kindergarten’ has great possibilities

Story here. Excerpt:

'Germans also gave us the concept of kindergarten, which has become the foundation of public education.

Well, a couple years ago, the Germans came up with an extension of the kindergarten concept. It’s for women fed up with their partner grumbling about having to go on shopping ventures. Thanks to progressive thinking, a fraulein who wants to shop ’til she drops doesn’t have listen to a man whine, “Is it time to go, yet?” She can drop off her male at Maennergarten.

Maennergarten is a day care service for men. And guys, before you get all huffy and go into macho outrage at the notion of “hubbie kindergarten,” check out this deal.

First, Maennergarten day care isn’t held in a private home owned by someone named Bertha, with three dozen screaming, drooling, snot-nosed kids climbing all over you.

Nah. Maennergarten is held at watering holes, like a bistro in downtown Hamburg called the Nox Bar. The only screaming, drooling, snot-nosed humans present are other grown up males!'

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