Report: British Teacher Fired for Writing Racy Novel About Her 'Favorite' Students

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'A British teacher reportedly has been fired for publishing a novel describing sexual encounters with some of her students.

The fictional work "Stop! Don't Read This" focuses on five of Leonora Rustamova's "favorite" students at Calder High School and addresses the 39-year-old's growing struggle to view her students as "kids." She also writes about her tendency to flirt with students and allow them to flirt with and fantasize about her, according to the Daily Telegraph.

In addition, the expletive-filled book featured stories of students drinking, skipping school and possibly using drugs. It also named other faculty members, including the school's headmaster Stephen Ball, the Daily Telegraph reported.

When she was suspended in January over the book's release, more than 250 students and parents demonstrated in support of Rustamova, saying she was only try to encourage the students to read, the Telegraph reported.

The school announced on Wednesday that she had been terminated following a disciplinary hearing into her conduct.'

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