Women's Groups Vow to Fight for Swift Confirmation

Story here. Excerpt:

'Women's groups that had been urging President Obama to select the fourth female Supreme Court nominee in American history greeted his choice of Judge Sonia Sotomayor with enthusiasm.
The National Organization for Women also cheered the nomination of Sotomayor and president Kim Gandy said it would launch a campaign to ensure her "swift confirmation."

"Judge Sotomayor will serve the nation with distinction. She brings a lifelong commitment to equality, justice and opportunity, as well as the respect of her peers, unassailable integrity, and a keen intellect informed by experience. President Obama said he wanted a justice with 'towering intellect' and a 'common touch' and he found both in Judge Sotomayor," Gandy said in a statement calling for Sotomayor's confirmation before the Senate's August recess.'

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Just because this candidate has the same genitalia as the NOW hags doesn't mean she shouldn't be subjected to the same scrutinies any candidate should get.

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