Elle Magazine: 'Career Advice: Sabotaging Husbands'

Article here. Excerpt:

'The current economic crisis has thrown such touchy issues into sharp relief. With the recession intensifying financial pressures on millions of families, many men have lost—or are afraid of losing—their jobs. Even in prosperous times, husbands often feel threatened when their partners’ achievements or incomes surpass their own. More than a quarter of working wives now outearn their spouses, and as women’s economic empowerment and professional clout transform the American marriage, couples are becoming increasingly egalitarian. But even if a husband remains the major breadwinner, his wife’s financial autonomy may threaten his control or erode a fragile sense of self-worth. Needless to say, problems can be greatly exacerbated if the man’s economic power is diminished or jeopardized.

“A man who’s successful in the world may be, but isn’t necessarily, a mature man,” says Roger Gould, PhD, a professor of psychiatry at UCLA and a couples counselor in New York City and Los Angeles. “And if he’s insecure, his spouse’s independence becomes a threat to his power or dominance over her.”'

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