Paycheck Fairness Act 2009 "call to action"?

From Jay H.: The National Women's Law Center provides a form to express one's support for the Paycheck Fairness Act 2009, a bill rife with bias against men here.

The website is on the first page of search results when searching Google for either "Paycheck Fairness Act" or "Paycheck Fairness Act 2009" or "women's pay". When searching for a variation of "fair pay" it is the first or second result.

The ACLU's frontpage provides a link to a nearly identical form with the description, "TAKE ACTION - Tell Your Senators to Support The Paycheck Fairness Act". Shouldn't we be asking for a similar call to action against this misguided bill?

It would be wonderful if there were a similar form available to urge one's senators NOT to pass this bill in its current form. I've toyed with replacing the subject and body of the NWLC's form to urge my senators NOT to pass this bill, and it would be a fairly simple thing to provide a standard template for others to do so too. But I can't be sure that my message is sent unadulterated using this form.

An article on the 2008 version of this Act is here. And my blog entry on what's wrong with the Act is here.

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As many Republicans have pointed out, this should be properly named as the Full Employment Act for Lawyers. It will allow litigation to go back years and years. Many employers will not be able to make a good defense without spending huge amounts of money. Expect negotiated settlements and higher prices for all of the rest of us.

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I'm a contractor and compared to employees, we have zero rights. We can be laid off (fired) for any reason, typically being the client decides they don't like us or they've run out of work for us. If we're legitimately laid off after years of service, we don't have to be paid any months of salary for it.

With employment laws going the way they are, I'd bet that we'll see fewer employees and more contractors. Especially given all the rights employees have, especially female and minority employees.

Who do you want to hire? Someone you can quickly get rid of if they suck or someone you have to build a case against and have them work through an "action plan" or something like that... Marginally performing contractors can be dumped easily.

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