UK: Fathers 'cool on parental leave'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Only 7% of men would be prepared to stay at home with a newborn baby if maternity benefits were replaced with parental ones, according to a survey.

Even fewer women - 4% - would hand over the role at home to the father, while two-thirds of working mothers said they only kept jobs out of necessity.
"And interestingly women who don't have children tend to continue earning virtually the same as men as they continue in their careers."
New mothers currently get nine months paid leave, six weeks at 90% of their salary and the rest at the statutory rate of £117.18 a week. Fathers get two weeks at the statutory rate.
The show's survey found that 54% of respondents thought men were the main breadwinners, although 67% did not think they should be.

Almost one in five women said they experienced sex discrimination at work, while twice as many men than women surveyed had asked for a pay rise in the last five years.'

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